Mevcut domain yapımızdaki 2003 sunucuları, 2008 e upgrade etmeye başladık. 2 tane sunucunun 2008R2 olarak additional dc olarak kurulmasında sorun yaşıyorum. dcpromo sorunsuz tamamlanıyor, sunucu kendine ait siteı da buluyor, restart edildikten sonra eventlog da bir sürü hatayla karşılaşıyoruz;
The Security System could not establish a secured connection with the server ldap/ANKDC/ No authentication protocol was available.
The dynamic registration of the DNS record ' 600 IN A' failed on the following DNS server:
DNS server IP address:
Returned Response Code (RCODE): 5
Returned Status Code: 9017
For computers and users to locate this domain controller, this record must be registered in DNS.
Determine what might have caused this failure, resolve the problem, and initiate registration of the DNS records by the domain controller. To determine what might have caused this failure, run DCDiag.exe. To learn more about DCDiag.exe, see Help and Support Center. To initiate registration of the DNS records by this domain controller, run 'nltest.exe /dsregdns' from the command prompt on the domain controller or restart Net Logon service.
Or, you can manually add this record to DNS, but it is not recommended.
Error Value: DNS bad key.
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