Hyper-v'de de calisan sanal makinelerin bir sekilde path leri degistirilirse, sonrasinda bu makineler kullanilmaz hale dusebiliyor ve asagidaki hata aliniyor:

"'Unnamed VM' Failed to Initialize.

Failed to read or update VM Configuration."

Sorunu cozmek icin, yapilmasi gereken birkac adim var:

1. Use icacls to validate the ACL’s on the configuration files: icacls %PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Hyper-V\Virtual Machines\<vmguid>.xml

2. Use process explorer (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/s.../bb896653.aspx) to see if anyone has an open file handle.

3. Verify the PROGRAMDATA environment variable and that the configuration files are located in %PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Hyper-V\Virtual Machines

4. mklink.exe 0A8D4907-82C6-11DC-8061-02004C4F4F50.xml e:\newLocation\e2k7-hbcs-01\Virtual Machines\0A8D4907-82C6-11DC-8061-02004C4F4F50.xml

5. Yeni lokasyondaki (Ornegin: I:\VPC\e2k7-hbcs-01) klasoru uzerinde "everyone" kullanicisina full yetki vermek.